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Category: culture

Meow the 63rd – Homes, Castles, and Cats

My home is my castle, apparently. But the proverb is no longer true, apparently. It has to be rephrased as ‘My home is my cat’s castle’, apparently. Not just cats think that way, also companies have started to take...

Meow the 62nd – Cats, Cars & Connections

What do research, cars, money, DJs, law suits, and students have in common? Yes, right. Cats. Let’s unravel the connection of how cats connect people and things. Cats attract attention … and lawsuits The point here is that cats...

Meow the 58th – Britcats

Pop Culture … Pop Cats … Britcats. A bachelor’s thesis project presents cats in their roles in British popular culture. The web feature story “Expurrliamus – Cats and their Role in Contemporary British Pop Culture” focuses on cats in...