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Meow the 29th – Musical Cats

Why do cats have such an impact on TV series? In Friends and Big Bang Theory, cats feature in the lyrics of songs that are repeatedly used by the series’ characters. “Smelly Cat” by Phoebe Buffay appears in several episodes, and “Soft kitty, warm kitty” is Sheldon Cooper’s favourite in times of illness.

According to very superficial research, there is another cat in a song of a series: “Cat Funeral” was used in the series “How I met your mother”.

And, of course, there is the musical “Cats”, but that is a different story to be saved for a different post.

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Edith Podhovnik (October 19, 2014). Meow the 29th – Musical Cats. Meow Factor. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from

Edith Podhovnik

a linguist researching language #purrieties and #meowlogism-s •alumna of SwanseaUni • loves cats • writes about cats • author of the book "Purrieties of Language. How We Talk about Cats Online

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